Whether we’re talking about architecture, interior design or anything in between, trends in residential homes are constantly changing in Northeast Florida and beyond. As Realtors we are always following these changes to see what people are excited about, what has proven to stand the test of time and what’s fallen out of favor.
From exterior stonework all the way down to bathroom drawer pulls, industry experts obsessively research trends that will be widely appealing to the masses in both style, accessibility and price. What use is a trend if no one can find it or afford it?
I recently came across some of the custom design trends being implemented in high-end new construction and renovated homes throughout Northeast Florida.

Unexpected fixture finishes. Beyond the standard silver and gold finishes, builders and designers are utilizing new fixture finishes from top manufacturers. Just one example is a new black matte finish that is really versatile whether you’re going modern farmhouse or urban contemporary.

Warmer colors. The neutral colors that have been popular for the past several years continue to flow throughout new home designs. However, the cooler greys that have reined supreme are now making way for warmer tones like creams and khakis.

Bringing the sunshine in (without the heat). This trend is a continuation carried on in recent years that builders are constantly improving upon. Northeast Florida residents love to blend indoor living spaces (family room, kitchen) with outdoor areas (patio, pool). Because we’re also faced with several months with temperatures well in the 90s, buyers are also seeking a cooler option. Beautiful wall-to-wall glass features are now available from companies like NanaWall and Milgard, providing panoramic views while keeping the heat out!

Contrast is king. Between colors, materials and finishes, today’s more stylish homes mix high quality contrasting elements more than ever before. Lights with darks, woods with metals, soft with rough textures–blending unexpected mixtures is a big trend in high-end home design.

Go big with tiles. Larger tiles and slab materials are taking over floors and tiled walls. The result is less maintenance and a cleaner look with fewer grout joints. From kitchens to bathrooms and beyond, I expect this trend to stay around.
What do you envision for your next home? I would love to chat about it! Call me today to learn more at 904.501.1830 or [email protected].